Yahoo! JAPAN

Vol.18 米国市場に精通、緻密な事業戦略を[空150mまでのキャリア~ロボティクスの先人達に訊く]


ACSL Inc.の社長を務めるCynthia Huang氏にインタビューを実施。DJIやAuterionでの豊富な経験を持つCynthia氏が、2023年1月にACSLへ参画した背景や、米国での小型空撮ドローン「SOTEN」の事業展開について語ってもらった

ドローン・ロボティクス業界にいち早く参入して活躍するプレイヤーの方々のキャリアに焦点を当て、その人となりや価値観などを紹介する連載コラム[空150mまでのキャリア~ロボティクスの先人達に訊く]第18回は、ACSLの米国子会社ACSL Inc.社長(President)のCynthia Huang氏に取材した。





I joined DJI in 2018 as the director of Enterprise in North America when DJI began to focus more supporting enterprise drone usage in the US. I was in charge of oversighting Strategic Sales and Partners Marketing and Solution Engineering. I was there for three years and really go to see the explosive growth of enterprise drone usage for DJI.


Dynamic change came during the COVID-19. Such applications like energy inspections were already used at that time but COVID-19 unlocked much of other applications for drones as people were not physically allowed to be at physical sites.


It was certain to me that the US drone enterprise industry could not rely on only one manufacturer and that it would be very dangerous to do so. DJI is a global company with dominant market share but even so it was still difficult to meet all the varying needs and applications. That is why I left to Auterion. Auterion is an open-source drone ecosystem company and I thought it will enable me to bring broader solutions to the market.



Autonomous capabilities or certain onboard compute capabilities advanced sensors drone in a box docking solution are essential for the industry to continue evolving however development priorities for DJI were not high back then. For instance you can fly a lot of drones and you can gather a lot of data but DJI drones did not focus on or optimize back in 2020. They've abviously done these things definitely now but DJI wasn’t prioritizing in making a more intelligent drones at that time.



I found a different set of challenges at Auterion. In order to meet more of the demands in the market mass production and scaling up are necessary but there is no company like DJI in prices product quality and consistency of quality. Auterion did not have access to mass production capabilities. However I do want to say that I still believe open source drone ecosystem is an important part to solve challenges in the industry.




First of all if you understand the enterprise drone landscape today there are only few competitors working on a small drone. And small drones are very important because small drones are what make up the majority of large fleets that enterprise costomers like fortune 100 companies have. If a large utility company has a hundred drones 80 percent of those drones are going to be a small drone size category like SOTEN and the remaining 20 are going to be of a different size category with heavier payload. Thus it is important that we offer alternatives to DJI to the market in the small drone category. Regardless of geopolitics in the US everyone can agree that more choices and more alternatives lead to more innovation and a healthier industry. That is why I joined ACSL.



ACSL is the only companies that advanced small drones so that it can be of service to the enterprise drone market. ACSL has mass manufacturing capabilities which is a huge advantage compared competitors and the global diversity of its employees the vision to serve the enterprise market on a global scale and of course the Japanese roots are extremely attractive.


DJI started as a consumer company but what I like about ACSL is that we are purely focused on enterprise. I think that is very important things to consider when you look at how a company will deal with the problem and how a company will respond to feedback from customers. I think that one of the most promising strength of ACSL is how seriously we take customer issues. When we interact with costomers they will understand that we care deeply about their workflows and we care deeply about helping them to succeed with our technology.


So in terms of my personal decision to join ACSL it was actually not very difficult to make. If I want to have the maximum impact on the enterprise drone market I need to work with a company that one has an enterprise mindset and two can develop products that address the majority of the market. This made my decision very obvious. In addition the Japanese culture of making electronics and robotics is very well received by our customers so I’m happy to be able to play a part and bring Japanese company to established itself as a leader in the drone industry.




ACSL is a very small company compared to DJI Auterion Skydio and other manufactures in the US so I was able to leverage the relationship and connections that I carry over from my time at DJI. Being able to directly establish relationships and trust with key partners across the nation allows us to quickly develop a go-to-market channel and leverage the sales and support capabilities of many dealers nationwide. Not everything depends on just me or just my team it depends on a network of dealers. I think that our advantage is that we are able to use the network that has been already selling drones.



In 2023 we sold 50 drones. In 2024 so far the plan right now is another hundred drones and we have forecasted another few hundred to the rest of this year. In 2025 we forecast more dramaticaly. I don't have the exact number of customers due to privacy agreements between customers and dealers but I can share that some of the largest energy companies in the US are using our drones SOTEN. We are open to various use cases but with our limited resources in the US team right now we are focusing more on working with utility companies and energy companies.



In the beginning we are very careful to closely control dealers' go-to-market experience and the customer experience when interacting with our brand in the US. Actually we have many dealers asking us every day if they can become our dealer but we have to say 'sorry not yet' because we want to do things very carefully. I worked with maybe 50 different dealers during my days at DJI so I know which ones will help us tell the right story and bring a good reputation to ACSL in the US.


Sometimes we communicate with salespeople or dealers but most of the time we actually go out and fly drones with the end customers ourselves engaging with them at their workplaces. This approach helps them feel very close to us. For instance I have spent many days in very hot and sweaty days outside with bugs wearing a helmet safety vest and steel-toe boots. I've spent at least 20 trips out in the field with ACSL and hundreds more during my time at DJI and now. If you look at the damage from my sunburned skin you'll understand. So they know that we ae very genuine and wanting to work closely with them.




The most critical changes are around the geopolitics. The situation has continued to escalate between US and China and the focus on drones has been a part of that discussion. The other big change which we did not expected is that as we talk more with customers they expect to give us feedback not only to replace DJI drones but also to work with ACSL.


They see that they can develop future applications and future solutions with us because we are very responsive to their feedback. We take into consideration their feedback when we design our roadmap so they can expect to work with us to evolve the next generations of workflows on drones.



I believe even up until today we are still just scratching the surface of what drones can provide to our society what drones can support across multiple critical infrastructure segments and how drone technology can also provide important learnings and frameworks to allow for other emerging robotics sectors to become mainstream too.


The momentum and success that ACSL has experienced in the US market so far is also just scratching the surface. A year ago almost no one in the US knew of ACSL. Today we are well recognized across the industry and that brand familiarity will continue to become stronger as a result of trust and credibility as we continue to show customers how much we care and respond to their feedback. As our product continues to improve and as we continue to work with customers to show how SOTEN has a competitive advantage in their workflows we have enormous potential to continue to expand and serve more customers.



I am a mother with a six-year-old and a three-year-old and they are very high energy. Very very high energy. So I often get asked how I manage to balance work and family life. Our family life has very strict boundaries in place to ensure that expectations are clear every day. My kids understand that if they want a happy mother we all need to follow a schedule and be organizedand that they need to go to sleep at a certain time and go to school at a certain time. As long as everyone follows the schedule there is enough time to get everything done.


When I’m working I’m 100 percent focused on work and when I’m with my kids I’m 100 percent focused on them. There are also times during the day when multitasking is okay. For instance I often check work emails while we are in the car and my husband is driving even if the kids are playing and talking loudly in the back seat. I catch up on emails in the evenings or on weekends.


Yes I think as long as there are clear expectations there’s no need to feel guilty if I don’t spend more time with my kids and there’s no need to stress out about not having enough time for work. As long as everything is scheduled and blocked out clearly it all works out. My kids are quite independent and can play by themselves and I have a very supportive husband which really helps. I also truly enjoy my job and the drone industry so it feels natural to balance different aspects of my life and show my kids that I can be their fun mom and also do exciting work!




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